Other women work outside the home because the household expenses require two incomes. Sometimes it's because they have become used to a lifestyle of more. But if the wife's paycheck is primarily used to pay someone else to take care of the children, clean the house and mow the lawn, or to buy new clothes for the job, or for more expensive convenience foods or eating out all too often because the wife is too tired to cook, is that extra paycheck really making a difference? Or has it brought on a whole new set of frustrations and responsibilities to deal with, at the expense of one's home life?
Most men have become very comfortable with the idea of their wives helping bring home the bacon, but too many remain in the dark ages when it comes to sharing the responsibilities of the home and/or children, which too often fall heaviest on the shoulders of the wife. Some women handle managing work and home just fine, but for me and many others, it was a real struggle.
Most of the time and preparation in our teen and young adult years is focused on education and a career. How much training do we receive for marriage, household management, and raising children? It's no wonder many experience difficulty in these areas when too much of those responsibilities is often learn by trial and error.
In my younger days I really believed the myth about having and doing it all. I had a variety of jobs through the years, but my heart kept pulling me back home with my children. Then my mind would argue that I wasn't fulfilled since I wasn't working at a paying job, so I would go back to work. Then something always suffered-- usually my home and family. And when I was back at home, I would over-commit myself to community service because I felt guilty about not working outside the home. It was a vicious cycle. I began to think something was wrong with me because I couldn't do it all and do all of it well.
I've since learned that I can do most all of these things well, but not all at the same time. Like the Bible says, there is a season for everything. Whether our work is in the home or outside of it at this time of our lives, we need to get off the guilt treadmill and come to terms with our capabilities and limitations. I learned that I function best having a part-time job, and I still have the energy and time for my family and household responsibilities.
My parents and I moved in together four and a half years ago. Five months after their arrival, my mother started slurring her words, which eventually was diagnosed as Lou Gehrig's disease. She lost her ability to speak after two years, and when her limbs started failing her last year, she felt so bad about my dad and me having to do everything for her. She even wrote me a note saying that we needed to put her in a nursing home, which broke my heart. I told her she had a lifetime of credit built up for all the things she's done for us. She was a stay-at-home mom until I was in junior high, and then she went to work in order to pay for her kids' college. All four of us earned college degrees without Mom and Dad going into debt. They always lived within their means, and their frugal lifestyle didn't hurt us one bit. I'm so grateful she chose us over a career when we were young, and when she did enter the workforce, she was good at that, too, because she put people first.
My grandson & my son wheeling their Gangy around at the Riverwalk in San Antonio
We need to weed out the unimportant, unnecessary, and unproductive activities in which we have over-committed ourselves, and learn to be satisfied in the knowledge that we are doing the best we can at this point in our lives. If we're not, that's something we can change. And if it involves children and spouse, consider their needs first and foremost. It won't be our career that stands by us in our twilight years that come all too fast; it's family and friends. So invest the best part of your time in them.
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The bulk of this post was originally written in 1999. The part about my mother was added today.